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The Met Office Weather Widget - a handy tool for solar power users

The Met Office have released this free to use handy tool. It gives a five day forecast with smart icons showing temperature, wind speed etc.  The default location is London, which you can change to anywhere in the UK. 

We've added it primarily as it gives (albeit very briefly) an indication of the cloud/sun to expect, which makes it useful if you are planning a solar powered event or trip.

From the Widget you can also click through to the detailed Met Office weather page for your chosen location.

You'll find it here in our Resource Centre.

Why would you use it? Well if it is going to be raining all week you might want to consider extra batteries and charging them up from the mains before you go. With plenty of sunshine expected then you can rely more on the solar power to keep you going.  (You don't necessarily need direct sunshine - some panels will work even in overcast conditions).

Filed under: General News Posted at 13:38

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