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Eco Friendly Solar Jewellery

What do you do with the small crystalline segments left over from manufacturing solar panel products? Here's an idea - turn them into solar jewellery,  for example a pendant necklace or a set of cufflinks. 

Notice I said small segments.  Not the whole panel!  (Getting through doorways would be a real problem).

Once the segment is shaped and fitted into its setting, you have a smart accessory with a high tech eco twist.  Doubly so in fact because it makes use of solar cell remnants which are too small to be re-used in solar power projects.

There's a unique look to each piece of jewellery, as the dark blue inset glitters when light falls on the crystalline structure inside.  Here are some examples, or you can browse the complete set of our solar jewelry




Solar BroochSolar CufflinksSolar Pendant

Filed under: New Products Posted at 16:00

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